In each cabin there are; plates, small plates, deep plates, mugs, water glasses, small glasses, knives, forks, spoons, teaspoons, cooking utensils, watering can, corkscrew, can opener, cheese grater, coasters, plastic bowls, whisk, ovenproof dish, frying pan, pots, cooker, cutting board, bread knife, coffee machine, electric kettle, dish brush, dish tub, dish rack, water jug, bucket, broom and a small fridge.
There are no duvets, pillows, covers and sheets. However, this can be borrowed for a fee. Please call ahead and book this.
5 person cabins
Cabin 4

Cabin 5 -renovated spring 2023

Cabin 6 -renovated spring 2024

Cabin 7- renovated spring 2024

4 person cabins
Cabin 8

Cabin 9

Cabin 10

Cabin 11

2 person cabins
Hytte 1

Hytte 2