
Lolland & Falster offers a multitude of attractions. The cozy nature, the charming market towns, the fun attractions, fantastic manor houses and distinctive food experiences. With more than 600 km of coast, which surrounds the South Seas, you are guaranteed beautiful nature experiences, not least if the trip goes to one of the beautiful nature parks such as Nakskov Fjord or the Maribo Islands.

With a stay at Albuen Strand Camping you ensure that these magnificent experiences are not far away. We have selected a few of them. Please contact reception if you have any questions or concerns, and we can help you plan your holiday. We also have lots of exciting free brochures and overview maps of the local cities as well as cycle route maps.

And remember in Denmark, Lolland is actually the place where there is the greatest chance of good weather. And to make sure it’s not a lie, this is also where it rains the least. So welcome once again to the South Sea Islands.

Frederiksdal Chersebærvin, which is found on the west coast of Lolland, can also be mentioned as inspiration. Likewise, the Frilandsmuseet in Maribo is also worth a pleasant visit. At Denmark’s Sugar Museum, which is housed in Nakskov, the exciting history of sugar production in Denmark is conveyed.

In Richard Winther’s House in Vindeby, you can experience the home until 2007 of the significant figure Richard Winther. Today, the house stands as a very special museum. Ceilings and walls in the old house/museum are adorned by Winther’s paintings with often quite obscure and erotic motifs which, together with the dilapidated surroundings, create a slightly mysterious and different atmosphere in the premises.

At the Museum Polakkasernen, you can get up close and personal with Lolland’s history around the arrival of the Poles in Lolland and their workforce in Danish society. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were no less than approximately 30 buildings that were made for housing for Polish seasonal workers who came to Denmark to work. These houses were called “Polish barracks”, and one of them still exists in Tågerup near Rødby.

If you are into golf, then the beautiful golf club Halsted Kloster Golfklub is not to be missed. Halsted Kloster Golfklub is, as the name indicates, right next to a medieval monastery, which has left its mark on the area. Over time, numerous historical finds have been found in the areas of the course, and some of the golf club’s courses lie in direct extension of the monastery parks. You are also welcome to take a trot in the old park facility.